Partnering with a Purpose
The Atlanta HBCU Alumni Alliance (AHBCUAA) is a non-profit community-based organization that consists of Historically Black Colleges & Universities’ Alumni chapters in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. We collaborate to strengthen the community through our programs and support students interested in attending HBCUs.
Member Chapters receive extensive marketing and publicity through the AHBCUAA website, Facebook and email distribution list in addition to participating in fund raising profit sharing opportunities. The opportunity is open for your chapter to become a part of this exciting and dynamic group.
The requirements to join are listed below:
One-time enrollment fee of $250.These funds are used to cover general operating expenses and seed money to cover event expenses before revenue is collected. This removes the need of contributing additional funds throughout the year.
For more information or to join, please contact:
Atlanta HBCU Alumni Alliance
P.O. Box 880
Atlanta, GA 30301
P/F: (404) 260-7404